Working Groups

The aim of listing the Working Groups is to provide you with the contact detail of the chairpersons in case you would have any question regarding a WG topic.

Do you want to join a Working Group ? Just contact the chairperson !

working group contact main subject / comments
Room shielding in the kV-domain Saltybaeva Natalia

Establish a methodology to calculate radiation protection plans for a variety of cases not explicitly covered by the RöV/OrX. Read more…
Fluoroscopy Marie Nowak
Fluoroscopy systems classification in medical imaging. Read more…
Applied Medical Physics (AMP) Maud Jaccard
Topics of current interest in all fields of physics as applied in medicine.
Cumulative Dose Elina Samara
Correct use of the cumulative dose information and harmonization of practice in Switzerland. Read more…
Role & tasks of MP in x-ray imaging Damien Racine
Recommend on the tasks of a medical physicist working in x-ray imaging. Read more…
Nuclear Medicine Physics Tasks Thiago Lima
Recommend on the tasks of a medical physicist working in nuclear medicine. Read more…
MR-only radiotherapy Lisa Milan
Provide indications for the implementation of a MR-only radiotherapy workflow. Read more…
Stereotactic Convergent Beam Irradiation Andreas Mack
Participation in the DGMP working group. Read more…
RPO2MPP Peter Manser
Deal with the implementation of the new radiation protection ordinance (RPO) into medical physics practice (MPP). Read more…
Quality Control of Treatment Planning Systems David Patin
Revise recommendation nr. 7 on Quality Control of Treatment Planning Systems. Read more…
BAG/SSRMP Contact Group Michael Fix
All members are invited to submit their questions to be discussed with BAG.
METAS/SSRMP Contact Group Michael Fix
All members are invited to submit their questions to be discussed with METAS.