
September 2024

May 2024

January 2024

August 2023

May 2023

April 2023

  • 11 April - SSRMP working group – Revision of the Radiation Protection Law

    The Eidgenössische Departement des Innern (EDI) is revising the radiation protection law and opened the consultations for the revision. The SSRMP society was asked to provide comments and remarks to the revised articles of the law and to the explanatory report.
    This work group is going to review the documents and submit a revision proposal to the SSRMP board.
    SSRMP comments to the revision of the Radiation Protection Law. Read more…

December 2022

October 2022

  • 11 October - SSRMP working group – Role of MP in X-ray imaging

    The SSRMP board has decided to launch a new working group (WG) about the role and tasks of medical physicists in x-ray imaging. The objective of the WG will be to propose a recommendation.

    Read the newsletter.

August 2022

July 2022

  • 26 July - Invitation to join SSRMP working groups

    The SSRMP board has decided to launch two new working groups (WG). The WG on nuclear medicine medical physics tasks will aim to propose a recommendation. The WG on the use of magnetic resonance imaging in radiotherapy will aim to identify the key issues related to the implementation of a new radiotherapy workflow from simulation to planning.

    Read the newsletter


April 2022

  • 19 April - Dose Management Systems

    Dose management systems allow for significant improvement of radiation dose collection and analysis. With the wide spread of such systems DICOM tags are becoming key elements in patient dosimetry. The initiative recently launched by the USZ aims to collect existing pitfalls related to the DICOM tags and improve the usage of Dose management systems around Switzerland.

    Find more details in Bulletin Nr.102, April 2022.

  • 19 April - MEDIRAD Project

    MEDIRAD launched a series of recommendations to enhance the protection of patients and staff exposed to low doses of radiation.

    Read the news
    Read the article in Bulletin Nr.102, April 2022.

  • 15 April - Bulletin 102

    April Issue Nr. 102 is online

December 2021

  • 24 December - Bulletin 101

    December Issue Nr. 101 is online

  • 6 December - SSRMP Recommendations No. 17

    The board has approved the SSRMP recommendations No. 17 on Eye Lens Dosimetry.
    The recommendations No.17 has been developed by the working group chaired by Dr Marta Sans Merce. The AMP validated the recommendations in July 2021.

    Go to SSRMP recommendations’ page

  • 6 December - SSRMP Recommendations No. 18

    The board has approved the SSRMP recommendations No. 18 on Quality assurance of systems for Stereotactic
    Ablative Radiation Therapy (SABR).
    The recommendations No.18 has been developed by the working group chaired by PD Dr Andreas Mack. The AMP validated the recommendations in July 2021.

    Go to SSRMP recommendations’ page

November 2021

  • 16 November - Bulletin editorial board – Call for candidates

    SSRMP invites applications for the positions of members of the editorial board.
    The editorial board manages the communication platforms of the society. The Bulletin, the newsletters and the websites are key components of how your society communicates with their members to provide useful and timely information.
    We are looking for fresh-minded colleagues who are keen to take on a new challenge and to continue the Bulletin’s adventure.

    -> Read more details

August 2021

June 2021

  • 8 June - Bulletin 100 ! – Call for contributions

    Nr. 100 is the next Issue of the Bulletin! Make it a special edition with us by bringing your celebratory article.

    Get in touch with the editors

April 2021

January 2021

  • 4 January - SSRMP Report No.21

    The board has approved the new SSRMP report No. 21 on the use of patient shielding in radiological procedures.
    The report No. 21 had been developed by the working group chaired for this task by Dr Natalia Saltybaeva. The AMP validated the report in December 2019.

    Go to SSRMP reports’ page

December 2020

  • 29 December - Bulletin 98

    December Issue Nr. 98 is online

  • 14 December - Exposure of the population by medical imaging in 2018

    The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) organizes an extensive survey every ten years to monitor the evolution of the average annual effective dose per inhabitant in order to compare Swiss practice with other countries and to prioritize its actions in the field of radiation protection. The report, that presents the results of the extensive survey analyzing the practice of the year 2018, has been recently presented by Francis Verdun (IRA) at the AMP on December 9, 2020.

    Read the report:

    Rapport final, enquête 2018 (PDF) / Page web OFSP
    Schlussbericht Erhebung 2018 (PDF)/ BAG-Webseite

November 2020

  • 19 November - General Assembly 2020

    The SSRMP general assembly 2020 was held online on November 19.

    The executive board was renewed:

    Michael Fix was confirmed as President SSRMP
    Jérôme Krayenbühl was elected as new chair of the committee for Educational Affairs
    Jean-Yves Ray was confirmed as chair of the committee for Professional Affairs
    Raphael Moeckli was confirmed as chair of the committee for Scientific Affairs
    Stefano Gianolini was confirmed as board member
    Yvonne Käser was confirmed as board member
    Roman Menz was confirmed as board member
    Markus Notter was confirmed as board member
    Stefano Presilla was confirmed as board member
    Regina Seiler was was confirmed as board member
    Maud Jaccard was elected as new board member

    After two years of ad interim chair of the committee for Educational Affairs, Regina Seiler was relieved of her task. The board thanks her for having stepped in, in a time of need.

September 2020

  • 30 September - SSRMP Continuous Education Day 2020

    The SSRMP executive board, along with the organising committee, have decided to postpone the continuous education day previously scheduled for October 22, 2020. The organising committee hopes to hold the meeting next year. A new date will be communicated in due time.

    >>More details

July 2020

  • 6 July - Bulletin – no August Issue

    The editorial team has sadly decided not to issue the August edition of the Bulletin. The main reason for that is the lack of content for the “Issues of Interest” section as many conferences have been postponed or cancelled. We sincerely apologize for delaying the publication of the PhD platform, Personalia and SpotLightOn, but we hope that by postponing these contents to a much “happier” issue, they will get the attention they definitively deserve.

    The December Bulletin will definitively be issued.

    >>Read the editorial

  • 1 July - Radiation Protection Training Concept

    On May 18, 2020, the executive board informed that SSRMP had received the FOPH license for the radiation protection training based on the document “Concept for the acquisition of the evidence of radiation protection expertise for SSRMP certified Medical Physicists in Switzerland”. The concept became effective on July 1, 2020. All candidates registering for the acquisition of the SSRMP certification on or after July 1, 2020 will have to follow the new concept. Previously registered candidates proceed without any change.

    Read more details:

    News 18.05.2020
    Supplement I “Evidence of radiation protection expertise”

May 2020

  • 18 May - Radiation Protection Training

    The executive board is delighted to inform you that after a long time of preparation SSRMP received the FOPH license for the radiation protection training based on the document “Concept for the acquisition of the evidence of radiation protection expertise for SSRMP certified Medical Physicists in Switzerland”. The concept will become effective on July 1, 2020. All candidates registering for the acquisition of the SSRMP certification on or after July 1, 2020 will have to follow the new concept. Previously registered candidates proceed without any change, i.e. there is also no change for the mentors whose responsibility it is to ensure that, during the training period, the candidate performs all the relevant clinical activities and procedures. The mentor should support and foster the candidate in his/her training.

    In short, the new concept foresees the following:

    Each candidate has to successfully pass a recognized training as radiation protection experts for working areas B and C.
    Each candidate successfully performs additional radiation protection training on the job as outlined in the concept document mentioned above.
    Written confirmation by the mentor that the candidate completed the radiation protection training based on the requirements outlined in the concept document. A certificate will be issued to the candidate by SSRMP.
    Evaluation of the training by questionnaires for the mentor and the candidate.

    For now, the concept document is available on the members’ SSRMP intranet website. The information will be available on the public website by July 1, 2020.

  • 18 May - Former mailing list – End of life !

    The executive board of SSRMP discontinued the former mailing list after a transition period following the launch of the Newsletter in June 2019. For the past year, the Newsletter has been distributing relevant information about the society to their members. Members were also invited to use that channel to communicate with the whole membership. The time had come to close the list “SGSMP”.

    As the mailing list has been lately used mainly to advertise job vacancies,  the board wishes to give more light to employment opportunities for their members. The committee for professional affairs has recently improved the procedure to post a job offer on the website.


  • 18 May - Request to post a job offer

    For many years, SSRMP has been supporting its community by advertising job opportunities on its website.  The main focus is on medical physicists in radiation oncology, radiological physics, diagnostic imaging, dosimetry, radiation safety and nuclear medicine.

    As of today, SSRMP allows employers to apply online to post a job. In addition, the advertisement will be relayed free of charge in biweekly news sent the members of the society.

April 2020

  • 21 April - Bulletin 97

    April Issue Nr. 97 is online

  • 16 April - Coronavirus – useful links

    A list of resources, that might be of interest for our members who are looking for some practical information about Covid-19, has been put together. You may contact the webmaster if you would like to share additional references.

    Go to the Covid-19 page

March 2020

  • 10 March - Covid-19 causes further events postponements

    The COVID-19 outbreak brings an increasing number of concerns. In particular, the last days have seen an acceleration and an escalation in the policies adopted across Europe and worldwide.

    Therefore, days after days the organizers are forced to cancel their events or at best postpone it to a later date. Check regularly for information directly on their congress website.

    CPR-KSR has postponed their seminar to be held in Berne on March 26, 2020 to the next year. ESTRO  has postponed their annual congress to July 31 – August 4, 2020.

  • 3 March - Coronavirus causes events postponements

    Considering the latest recommendations related to managing the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak from the local and national health authorities, the Winter School “Dosimetry Guided Treatment Planning for Radionuclide Therapy”, to be held in Berne, has been postponed. A new date for the event (most likely in September) will be set.

    The European Society of Radiology  was forced to make the same decision to fulfil the recommendations from the Austrian health authorities for large-scale events. ECR 2020 congress has been postponed to July 15-19, 2020.

January 2020

  • 30 January - SSRMP working group – Quality control of TPS

    The SSRMP board has decided to launch a new working group (WG) about quality control of treatment planning systems. The objective of the WG will be to revise SSRMP recommendation Nr 7.
    Read the newsletter.

December 2019

November 2019

  • 8 November - SSRMP working group – Eye lens dosimetry

    A new SSRMP working group has been created with the purpose to determine the categories of staff working with fluoroscopy systems that require routine eye lens monitoring.

    Read the newsletter.

October 2019

  • 1 October - SCR’20 – First Announcement

    The Swiss Congress of Radiology (SCR’20) will take place at the Forum Fribourg on June 18-20, 2020.

    The SSRMP, as partner society of the SGR-SSR, will contribute to the enhancement of the scientific programme. Take this opportunity to present your work in the physics of medical imaging. Start preparing your abstracts and be part of the scientific programme of the SCR’20 ! More information.

September 2019

  • 14 September - ECR 2020 – Reduced registration fees

    As the European Society of Radiology (ESR) considers the cooperation with EFOMP very important, the ESR has decided to grant a specific offer to medical physicists via EFOMP.
    Any medical physicist interested in attending ECR 2020 can register until October 17 at a special reduced rate of €530 including free ESR membership 2019.
    More details on the EFOMP website.

August 2019

June 2019

  • 21 June - SSRMP Newsletter

    The committee for professional affairs launched the new SSRMP Newsletter. The executive board and other society representatives will use this new channel for distributing information as well as formal communications with their members.

    Information about the society will no longer be brought up through the former mailing list. If you’re not a member of the SSRMP yet, consider to apply for membership to receive the newsletter.

April 2019

  • 12 April - Bulletin 94

    April Issue Nr. 94 is online

  • 10 April - SSRMP Position Statement

    The board has approved the SSRMP position statement on art. 26 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (RPO).
    The statement aims to help medical physicists to classify frequent radiological procedures according to art. 26 RPO. In December 2018, the AMP validated the work of the task group chaired by Elina Samara.
    Go to SSRMP Position Statements’ page

  • 2 April - SSRMP Recommendations No.10

    The board has approved the revision 2019 of the SSRMP recommendations No. 10 on Reference Dosimetry of High-Energy Therapy Electron Beams with Ionisation Chambers.
    The recommendations No.10 (2002) had been revised by the working group on reference dosimetry chaired for this task by Samuel Peters. The AMP validated the revision in December 2018.
    Go to SSRMP recommendations’ page

February 2019

  • 28 February - Auditor training course 2019

    With the entry into force in 2018 of the new Ordinance on Radiation Protection, clinical audits are performed on a peer review basis. Auditors should not only possess medical / technical expertise, but also master techniques related to audits.
    Anyone currently working in Switzerland as a medical doctor, medical physicist or radiographer practicing in the areas that can be audited, can apply for this training.
    More details here (fr-de-it)

January 2019

November 2018

  • 24 November - General Assembly 2018

    The SSRMP general assembly 2018 was held at the university hospital Lausanne on November 22.

    The executive board was renewed:

    Michael Fix was elected as new President SSRMP
    Regina Seiler was elected as new chair of the committee for Educational Affairs (ad interim)
    Jean-Yves Ray was confirmed as chair of the committee for Professional Affairs
    Raphael Moeckli was confirmed as chair of the committee for Scientific Affairs
    Yvonne Käser was confirmed as board member
    Roman Menz was confirmed as board member
    Markus Notter was confirmed as board member
    Stefano Presilla was confirmed as board member
    Stefano Gianolini was elected as new board member

    With many thanks, Peter Manser (President) and Frédéric Corminboeuf (chair of the committee for Educational Affairs) stepped down after several years of strong commitment to SSRMP.

October 2018

  • 27 October - Quality Handbooks

    SSRMP recently published two quality handbooks (QHB) related to the scope of clinical audits, which have been newly established as a peer review procedure on a national level:

    – Recommendation for the preparation of a quality handbook for radiation oncology (SRO, SSRMP, SVMTRA)
    – Empfehlung zur Erstellung eines Qualitätshandbuchs für CT-Untersuchungen (SGR, SGSMP, SVMTRA)

    These documents are intended to be used as a guideline for radiotherapy and radiology centers in the preparation of a QHB, as required by Article 43 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (RPO) of 26 April 2017.
    The RPO2MPP working group (chaired by Peter Manser) created expert sub-groups of medical physicists and discussed the topic intensely with the members of RPO2MPP working group. Members of the Swiss Society for Radiation Oncology, the Swiss Society of Radiology and the Swiss Society of Radiation Therapists, were also involved in the creation and approval of these documents.

September 2018

August 2018

  • 17 August - New SSRMP annual meeting web pages

    Dedicated web pages have been created to host this year SSRMP annual meeting and those of the coming years. The pages of the current year’s conference are easily accessed from the top menu >Events>SSRMP Annual Meeting 2018>.
    The past conferences pages, as well as the current’s year ones, remain available from the event calendar details. Go backwards in the calendar dates or go to >SSRMP Annual Meetings> from the top menu >Events>. >Read more> displays the event details and in particular the link to the event website.
    Visit the SSRMP annual meeting 2018 web pages.

July 2018

  • 11 July - DRLs update in Computed Tomography and Radiography

    The Radiation Protection Division of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) updated the diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) in Computed Tomography for adults and children as well as in Radiography for children. Earlier this year, FOPH published new DRLs in Computed Tomography in hybrid imaging.

    The revised notes R-06-04 on the DRLs in Radiography, R-06-06 on the DRLs in Computed Tomography and L-08-01 on the DRLs in nuclear medicine are available in the three national languages on the FOPH website (de, fr, it).

    In addition, a communication is scheduled in the August issue of the newsletter of the Consumer Protection Directorate.

May 2018

April 2018

  • 10 April - Auditor training course 2018

    With the entry into force in 2018 of the new Ordinance on Radiation Protection, clinical audits are performed on a peer review basis. Auditors should not only possess medical / technical expertise, but also master techniques related to audits.
    Anyone currently working in Switzerland as a medical doctor, medical physicist or radiographer practicing in the areas that can be audited, can apply for this training.
    More details here (FR-DE)

January 2018

  • 19 January - SSRMP Recommendations No.8

    The board has approved the revision 2018 of the SSRMP recommendations No. 8 on Reference Dosimetry of High-Energy Therapy Photon Beams with Ionisation Chambers.
    The recommendations No.8 (2000) had been revised by the working group on reference dosimetry chaired by Stephanie Tanadini-Lang. The AMP validated the revision in June 2017.
    Go to SSRMP recommendations’ page

December 2017

November 2017

  • 3 November - General Assembly 2017

    The SSRMP general assembly 2017 was held at Bürgerspital Solothurn on October 27.
    The statutes of the society were updated.
    Art. 3, 14 and 25 were modified to improve the efficiency of the account management.
    Art. 19 was modified to follow up a member’s motion submitted in 2016.

    Review the statutes of the society

August 2017

June 2017

  • 28 June - Revision of the legislation

    Last April, the new radiation protection ordinances have been released by the Swiss Federal Council.

    Today, the Federal Office of Public Health additionally publishes a useful notice on the major novelties brought by this large ordinance revision:
    Was ist neu im Bereich der Medizin?
    Les nouveautés dans le domaine de la médecine?
    Quali sono le novità nell’ambito della medicina?

  • 21 June - AMP decision

    On June 21, 2017, the AMP group decided to support the revision of the SSRMP Recommendation Nr. 8 on Reference Dosimetry of High-Energy Therapy Photon Beams with Ionisation Chambers. AMP participants considered a few updates to the final draft prepared by the working group chaired by Stephanie Tanadini-Lang.

    The AMP group decided to launch a new working group dealing with the implementation of the new radiation protection ordinance (RPO) into medical physics practice (MPP). The SSRMP board found useful to propose such a dedicated working group for SSRMP members. It could serve as a platform where experts could identify and elaborate the adaptations needed in order to be online with the new RPO.
    Go to the working group page.

April 2017

March 2017

  • 25 March - SSRMP-SSR Consensus

    SSRMP and SSR agreed on the functions and tasks of the medical physicist applicable in the framework of article 74 (ordinance on the radiation protection). Read the document

December 2016

November 2016

  • 21 November - AMP decision

    On November 21, 2016, AMP group decided to support SSRMP board’s proposal in revitalizing the working groups’ organization tightly around AMP. Focusing on currently active working groups (Reference dosimetry, Medical imaging, Stereotactic beams, …), each of them will revise their aim, roadmap and time frame under AMP’s umbrella considering not only science but education and professional relevancies. Reporting twice a year at AMP meetings will be a regular expectation. Further details will be developed by the board and the Science committee.

October 2016

September 2016

  • 28 September - New appointments on the Board

    The executive board of SSRMP decided new appointments:

    Roman Menz was appointed as Secretary
    Regina Seiler was appointed as Treasurer
    Raphael Moeckli was confirmed as Vice-President
    (go to the board’s page)

August 2016

  • 30 August - General Assembly 2016

    The SSRMP general assembly 2016 was held at Campus-Sursee on August 25.

    The executive board was renewed:

    Peter Manser was confirmed as President SSRMP
    Frédéric Corminboeuf was confirmed as chair of the committee for Educational Affairs
    Jean-Yves Ray was confirmed as chair of the committee for Professional Affairs
    Raphael Moeckli was confirmed as chair of the committee for Scientific Affairs
    Roman Menz was confirmed as board member
    Stefano Presilla was confirmed as board member
    Yvonne Käser was elected as new board member
    Regina Seiler was elected as new board member

    With many thanks, Hans Roser (board member), Werner Roser (Treasurer) and Daniel Vetterli (Secretary) stepped down after several years of strong commitment to SSRMP.

  • 23 August - Bulletin 86

    August Issue Nr. 86 is online

  • 10 August - New home page

    A newer presentation of the website has been made available with a new front page providing a new experience for the visitors. It emphasises the organisation structure of the SSRMP executive board around its three committees. Each “block” allows the visitor for direct accesses to their related and managed topics. Top menus remain with about the same contents but with a new calendar of events grouping all categories. The new front page will offer different experiences of the contents and easier way to find what is looked for. The advanced search tool further supports the visitor.

    The calendar of events has been totally redesigned to group all events in a unique section. It offers the visitor categories and tags allowing for event selections like courses or congresses only. Past events remain available by navigating through years and months.

    Also new is the recovery of the member’s addresses query tool.

May 2016

  • 27 May - AMP 22nd June 2016

    AMP Meeting Announcement 2016-06-22

    Main topics

    Revision of SSRMP recommendation Nr 8
    Bunker Shielding survey
    TLD Intercomparison 2016


  • 14 May - SSRMP Education Course on Medical physics in Nuclear Medicine




February 2016



October 2015


    click on the picture to see the link

August 2015

  • 26 August - Annual scientific meeting 2015


September 2014

  • 8 September - 50 Jahre SSRPM, 12 November 2014


  • 8 September - Joint conference, 7-10 september, Zürich
